About AES

The Association of Engineering Professionals in Society (“AES”) was founded on 19 December 1995 by a group of professional engineers motivated by their concerns of the community and the future development of the engineering profession. The group was inspired and led by the late Sir S.Y. Chung, as the Hon. Advisor, together with the late Ir Dr Nicky N K Chan, former Secretary for Lands and Works, as President, later on taken over by Ir Dr F K Hu, and then by Ir YC Lo, former Permanent Secretary of Works, and Ir Dr Raymond C T Ho as Chairman and quite a number of highly respected professionals as Advisors.
The Association now has almost 1,000 individual members, 36 Advisors, about 30 Company Members which include many major engineering, construction and utility companies.

The Objectives of the Association

  • To provide a platform for the career and leadership development of the younger generation of professionals
  • To encourage engineering professionals to actively participate in community affairs, with priority in providing services to the younger generation and the underprivileged
  • To arrange activities to foster unity of the engineering profession and to strengthen the fellowship of engineering professionals of different organisations
  • To make constructive public comments and to publish articles in the media on public issues with positive standpoints on the basis of long term interests of Hong Kong
  • To assist in the public engagement and public consultation sessions for public works and infrastructure projects
  • To respond to government consultation particularly on infrastructure, housing, energy, environment, transportation and urban planning
  • To promote exchanges of engineering professionals with their Mainland counterparts for the purpose of establishing networks and understanding of the systems in the Mainland
  • To capitalise on the opportunities arising from Belt & Road Initiative and Greater Bay Area by fostering exchanges and collaborations with professionals in the Mainland and Belt & Road countries
Through over 2 decades’ active support of the implementation of public sector infrastructure and social-economic policies, AES’s efforts have been well-recognized. Numerous trips have been organised over the years to visit many Mainland cities. During many of these trips, we were received by Central Government leaders (全國政協副主席周光召先生及全國政協副主席徐匡迪先生@人民大會堂香港廳) or senior provincial officials (上海市長韓正先生及寧波市長劉奇先生). Some overseas trips have also been arranged to broaden members’ international outlook and experience.
Young Engineers in Society (YES) was formed in 2003 by young members with the aim of establishing a platform for the promotion of the objectives of the Association amongst young engineers and young professionals in engineering related fields, with emphasis in leadership development, and strengthening of the qualities and the competitiveness of young engineering professionals in order to enable themselves prepared for the rapidly-changing market demands and to capitalise on the emerging Mainland and overseas markets. Since establishment, we have successfully completed 11 projects funded by the Professional Services Development Assistance Scheme (PSDAS) of the government and 3 substantial studies funded by the Hong Kong Construction Association.
IT Division was formed in 2017 as more IT professionals joined the Association, timely to provide a specific platform to cater for the rapid advent of the new fields such as FinTech, Big Data, IoT, Crypto-currencies, e-commerce, ICO, VR, AI and so on, which will have significant bearings on the future development of Hong Kong.
The Association actively participated in the reconstruction work in Sichuan Province subsequent to the disastrous 5.12 earthquake in 2008. In total, we raised over HKD10 million at the time for the reconstruction of Yuanjia Primary School (德陽袁家可育學校) in Jing Yang District, Deyang Municipality and also the construction of Elderly Emergency and Convalescence Homes in 11 villages and a major Prevention of Epidemic and Recovery Centre in Tongkou Town (通口鎮) in Beichuan County (北川). The school project was the FIRST reconstruction project completed among all the 151 HKSAR government sponsored and all the NGO projects. Mr. Henry Tang, the then Chief Secretary made two visits to the school and officiated at its re-opening ceremony with our chairman Dr. Raymond Ho during his second visit on 1st September 2009.
The Association will continue to organise innovative and worthwhile activities and any further needs of assisting in various government Works Departments’ public engagement and public consultation sessions on infrastructure and building projects, based on the Association’s experience acquired on the 50 previous occasions.
To capitalise on the opportunities arising from the national strategies of “Belt & Road Initiative” and the “Greater Bay Area”, the Association will put in maximum efforts to strive to meet the future demands.


工程界社促會成立於 1995年12月19日,以「社會事務」、「培育領袖」、「團結業界」及「兩地交流」為服務社會、服務業界的核心價值。成立目的為年青專業人士領袖及管理才能、團結專業人士,參與公共事務促進與兩地交流,積極回應政府諮詢,通過媒體發表有關基建、房屋、環保、能源、交通、政改、法治等議題。

現時公司會員約 30 間,包括許多大型機構及公共事業,與及個人會員約一千名,顧問 36 位,包括本會名譽顧問為鍾士元爵士(博士工程師)、創會會長為已辭世的前地政工務司陳乃強博士工程師,現任會長為前工務局局長/常任秘書長盧耀楨教授工程師、名譽會長為胡法光博士工程師,現任立法會議員(工程界)盧偉國博士工程師、主席為第十屆及第十一屆港區全國人大代表、前立法會議員、香港工程師學會前會長(1987-1988)何鍾泰博士工程師,高級副主席 6 位、副主席 14 位及理事 36 位。多年來, 本會除超過50多次安排會員協助政府各工務部門舉辦有關基建發展的公眾參與及公眾諮詢活動外,亦致力協助不同行業專業人才以專業知識回饋社會,推動公益活動,包括長者服務及青少年服務,與及積極參與2018年四川汶川特大地震,詳細請參閱附件(八)。

另外,本會過往多年來獲特區政府「專業服務發展資助計劃」下批准及撥款資助共 11 個項目。此外,本會亦獲香港建造商會「公共政策研究基金」批准及撥款資助本會共三個重要研究項目,包括「探討環境影響評估在香港大型建造工程上的實踐──下一步」、「政策改善以避免建造業繁榮期及蕭條期 – 從而增加工作機會及提高建造業工人質素」及「探索香港建造業企業在泛珠三角區域的經濟機遇」,進行資料搜集和分析,以作結論,並提出建議。研究報告已提交香港建造商會。

本會經常安排考察團,如前往台灣、星加坡、馬來西亞、越南、及內地包括北京、上海、杭州、雲南、四川、浙江、南京、寧波、南寧、大連、潘陽、廣州、珠海、中山、順德、東莞、大亞灣核電站及嶺澳核電站、南沙、前海、橫琴等地;其中兩次訪問北京,獲國家領導人於人民大會堂香港廳及港澳辦 正、副主任接見;前往上海訪問時,亦獲得上海市市長韓正接見。
